Fox executives insisted Reynolds abandon Deadpool’s signature red-and-black costume for eggplant hospital scrubs, his trusty katanas traded in for abnormally long retractable arm blades. In fact, every iconic characteristic of the Deadpool you know now was once dismissed with such a blatant disdain for the source material that the comic-book-fan community couldn’t help but see it as a raised middle claw. In other words, the singularly distinguishing factor about the iconic character - Deadpool’s ability to sling self-deprecating quips, the fourth-wall-breaking one-liners, the profanity-laced cracks - was a non-consideration for his cinematic debut. Literally: He wears a surgically sealed fleshy mess over the lower half of his face.

Reynolds actually popped up in the climactic scene at the end of 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine as the merc with no mouth. Ryan Reynolds’s first appearance as the “Merc With a Mouth” wasn’t in 2016’s Deadpool.